
Connecting Japan’s LGBTQIA+ International Community

An individual expressing their gender

Trans Identities : Newsletter May 2019

Trans Identities is the topic for May’s Newsletter. Inside you’ll find pieces of information pertaining to trans-ness, trans individuals, and trans rights around the world. We also highlight some days of awareness to observe this month. Enjoy !

newsletter, religion

Newsletter April 2019 : Queerness and Religion

Disclaimer: Stonewall Japan doesn’t promote or intend to promote a religious doctrine or practice. April’s newsletter will give insight into some queer individuals and communities and their relationships with religion. Religion and one’s own religious belief can be a very personal and intimate topic of discussion. Despite being used as an instrument of division and…
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Volunteer at Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2019

Hello Stonewallers! We have the volunteer form for Tokyo Rainbow Pride! As previously shared, Stonewall Japan will be at Tokyo Rainbow Pride this year sharing a booth with TELL Japan. We’ll have a booth and bar crawl on Sunday (Sunday, April 28th) and a booth and our picnic on the second day (Monday, April 29th).…
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Self-harm awareness support

Self-Harm Awareness : Newsletter March 2019

March is Self-Harm Awareness month. As members of a marginalized communit(y/ies), many of us have experienced trauma and healthy or unhealthy coping behaviors in response to it. Self-harm is one such unhealthy coping behavior

Newsletter February 2019

  We dedicated this month’s newsletter to kindness. To make 2019 a nicer, kinder and friendlier year for everyone, we thought about what each of us could do.

Newsletter January 2019

For January 2019’s Newsletter we collaborated with a Stonewall Block Leader who is currently leading efforts to educate her community about sexual harassment. We define harassment, sexual harassment, and harassment in the work place. Also, Lawyers for LGBT & Allies Network (LLAN) also provided information on anti-harassment laws in Japan and the provisions these laws…
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December Newsletter: Queer in Review 2018

Stonewall Japan reviews the “queer” 2018 by highlighting media, individuals, and news. Also, we include Stonewall members’ reflections on the year.  

Newsletter November 2018

Newsletter is here ! November 2018’s Newsletter touches on adoption around the world and in Japan. Also, we discuss modern families.  

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